Eternal Tallow Classic Tallow Balm

Eternal Tallow
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Nourish your skin with the timeless indulgence of Eternal Tallow's Classic Tallow Balm. Crafted from the purest tallow and enriched with essential oils, this balm provides unparalleled moisture and rejuvenation.
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Eternal Tallow - Classic Tallow Balm.

About Product:

Eternal Tallow Classic Tallow Balm is a skincare product made with high-quality tallow from grass-fed cows. Produced by Eternal Tallow, this balm is crafted with natural ingredients and designed to provide nourishment and hydration to the skin. The product is made with grass-fed tallow sourced from cows, known for its rich nutrient profile and skin-friendly properties. It is formulated with natural ingredients to provide a simple and clean skincare solution, acting as a hydrating balm to moisturize and nourish the skin. Designed to nourish the skin with the beneficial properties of grass-fed tallow, the balm aims to provide deep hydration, supporting the skin's moisture balance. With a simple skincare formulation, it caters to those who prefer a natural and uncomplicated approach to skincare.

Product Features:

  • Made with tallow from grass-fed cows.
  • Rich nutrient profile and skin-friendly.
  • Formulated with clean and natural ingredients.
  • Acts as a hydrating balm.
  • Aims to moisturize and nourish the skin.
  • Designed to nourish the skin.
  • Provides deep hydration for moisture balance.
  • Formulated with minimal ingredients.
  • Ideal for those preferring minimal and natural ingredients.
  • Suited for addressing dry skin and maintaining skin health.
  • Perfect for those valuing grass-fed tallow for potential skin benefits.
  • Pesticide free, drug free, hormone free, soy free, non-GMO, grain-free.
  • Made in Canada.
  • Recyclable Packaging.

Directions: As a moisturizer for your body and face, for anti-aging, and to relieve eczema outbreaks, psoriasis, rosacea etc. 

59 ml per jar.

Ingredients: Unscented:
Tallow, Jojoba Oil
Ingredients: Lavender:
Tallow, Jojoba Oil, Lavender